Make (You) Believe

My early childhood home had a closet-like storage area under the stairs to our basement. My mother used to keep a big round storage container in there, labeled “winter clothes.” Behind this bin, was a little space that was just big enough for a kid with a big imagination.

Image result for lion the witch and the wardrobe

I would go into this space – with my dolls – and I would make believe that this little cubby hole under the stairs behind the winter clothes was a portal to the Land of Narnia. At that time, I was obsessed with the Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

In that space, I could make believe that I entered Narnia, for grand adventures of my own. Of course, my dolls came with–they were my bodyguards just like Aslan the Lion in C.S. Lewis’s tale. After all, that White Witch of Narnia was scary. 

And, isn’t this scenario the case with all adventures? They are exciting, and exhilarating – yet at times, a little (or a lot) scary.

As an adult, I still like to make believe, to imagine amazing adventures, and to dream of big goals. I’ve shifted my focus from the Land of Narnia to the World of Endurance Sport. 

A real life Narnia, as John and I took a hike back to Chasm Lake (which is about half way to Longs Peak, Colorado). This experience is quite the adventure – requiring microspikes, puffys, poles, and ice axes. Fight the fears by working through them!

In this world, I can experience strong and supportive community, pursue scary and fulfilling challenges, and visit amazing destinations. Just like in Narnia, these experiences involve some scary “witches.”

But, continually living outside of the comfort zone is the only way I know that I can truly experience living. 

This year – from the start – has been about believing in BIG scary goals and dreams. Two, in particular, stand out: moving to Colorado, and training for the Tahoe 200

I am anxious about these dreams. There are days when I think to myself: What have I done? How will I run 200 miles? What about mountain lions? Can I support myself through my coaching? Who leaves a guaranteed paycheck for the vagaries of entrepreneurship? 

I’m willingly leaving security behind, to head into the unknown. I work against getting caught up by the “what ifs” and worries that plague us when we are about to do something that is outside of our comfort zone. 

So, every day, I must make myself believe that I can do these things, that I can travel this part of my journey with strength, courage, and grit. 

Coaching a swim clinic for women who will be participating in DelmoSports Women’s Philadelphia Triathlon. These moments make me feel alive, and make me believe that I can do this!

In order to achieve our goals, we have to make ourselves believe we can do it. This requires a similar imagination as when we were kids – when we believed that most (all?) things might be possible, that magic was real, and that adventures could be had anywhere we looked for them–from the back of a closet to a westward migration. 

If we can make ourselves believe we are strong, capable, and tough, then we will act in ways that will fulfill that belief. When we work to make ourselves strong, we become strong. When we make tough choices, we are tough. When we affirm our ability, we can do things that go beyond our imagination. 

The achievement of your big dreams isn’t a fantasy tale, like the Chronicles of Narnia. Big dreams can be real if you listen to the voice that makes you believe you can do this. 

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