What Shakespeare has to say about Twitter, training & racing

I love Twitter. Some, like my husband, might even say I have a Twitter “problem.”  I don’t think it’s a problem, really. I just don’t want to spend a day without being able to check my Twitter feed – even if it’s only a quick skim. I look forward to reading the ideas, the information and the experiences shared by my fellow tweeps. How is it that I get so much from a seemingly disjointed collection of 140-character musings? In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Lord Polonius (in a rather funny and ironic twist in the dialogue) says to the King and Queen, …

From 2009 into 2010: Places, races & goals

In terms of my athletic goals and experiences, 2009 has been an excellent year. (It’s been a great year for other reasons as well, just not necessarily central to this blog :)). I have met some of the coolest runners and triathletes,  some of which I have been fortunate to develop relationships with, others who passed through my life for a day, as I did through theirs. So many smiles, so many words of encouragement. Peace, love and light to all of you in 2010! I’ve enjoyed interacting with all of you here on my blog, on twitter, at races …

My (Morning) Process

Morning is my favorite time to workout – just not first thing out of bed in the morning. Ideally, I like to wake up about an hour before I want to workout. So, if I want to start at 6 a.m., I will get up at 5 a.m., maybe 5:15 a.m. Why? Because I need to go through what I call “my process.” My husband John thinks I’m nuts. Last week as I was going through “my process,” he commented, “I don’t get it. How can you just sit there, relaxed, and not go?” I laughed and replied, “I need …

I’ve got a cranky tendon

My foot started with a dull ache on Thursday afternoon (Thanksgiving) as I was preparing food to bring to my brother’s house. It felt “tight,” so I tried some stretches. But, the pain lingered. And lingered. And then did some more lingering. It was lingering and lounging on the top of my foot, as indicated in this picture. (Notice, also, the use of dark nail polish to hide the black toenails underneath.) If you read my blog regularly, then you already know I have a deep-seated paranoia about *stress fractures*. (Shhhh, say the word in your quiet voice…) So, I …

Balancing life’s demands: Work, training and helping others

As of late, my available “spare” time has dwindled to almost nonexistent. Despite a reduced load in training, I’m experiencing an increased load in work expectations. So, that “extra time” I dreamed of after the Bassman? It’s never appeared. But, I suppose that is the rhythm of life, our priorities and expectations ebb and flow into and out of the different responsibilities and interests that make up a life. At least, that’s what I’ve been thinking lately: priorities need to be organized and reorganized as we hit each major and minor goal we set for ourselves. Even as the pressures of …

The Spirit of the Ironman-Lake Placid 2009

The Lake Placid Ironman was held on Sunday, July 26, 2009, with 2051 athletes finishing the race, according to the official race results (2258 began the race, but 207 athletes did not finish). For those of you who may not know, the Lake Placid Ironman is a 140.6 mile race that must be completed within 17 hours. It consists of a 2.4 mile swim, followed by a 112 mile bike (over some seriously mountainous terrain), and finished with a marathon (26.2 miles). There is little dispute that this event is tough stuff. But, these numbers only tell a very small part of the …

I’m an “endurance monster”

according to an article in the September 2009 edition of Running Times. Greg McMillan, author of the article, defines endurance monsters as any runners who enjoy “long runs, marathon training, tempo runs and any workout slower than 10K” (p. 18). Yup, so far I fit the profile. He goes on to say that a monster “finds it very difficult to get her legs to go fast. Short, fast training like 200m-400m track workouts and hard fartlek runs leave EM feeling deflated” (p. 18). Yup, got me again–and today’s speed workout really emphasized my speed weakness, and my preference for strength …

“This is stupid,”

John, my husband, said after he shut off the alarm at 4:30 a.m. I laughed. I had already been up since 4 a.m. I always have trouble sleeping the night before races. “We’re up at 4:30 on a Saturday morning, and we’re going to go pay to exercise,” he continued as he pulled on his shorts. While early morning starts might not be his thing, John has been training for the VT50 ultramarathon, so a triathlon was not in his training regimen. But, after I signed up for the Sunset Lake Olympic Distance Triathlon, he decided he wanted to do …

My First Marathon

I ran my first marathon on October 19, 2008. The 50th Annual Atlantic City Marathon was a small event with just 250 runners. It was perfect for my entrance into the experience of marathon running. The course was my home turf. I spent the summer and early fall of 2008 completing my long runs up and down the Atlantic City Boardwalk, with the ocean as a constant companion. Other “companions” included the bleary eyed gamblers leaving the dark hole of the casino floor for a quick smoke in the early morning hours, a group of older gentlemen who met in front of the Ocean …