I’m an “endurance monster”

according to an article in the September 2009 edition of Running Times. Greg McMillan, author of the article, defines endurance monsters as any runners who enjoy “long runs, marathon training, tempo runs and any workout slower than 10K” (p. 18). Yup, so far I fit the profile. He goes on to say that a monster “finds it very difficult to get her legs to go fast. Short, fast training like 200m-400m track workouts and hard fartlek runs leave EM feeling deflated” (p. 18). Yup, got me again–and today’s speed workout really emphasized my speed weakness, and my preference for strength …

“This is stupid,”

John, my husband, said after he shut off the alarm at 4:30 a.m. I laughed. I had already been up since 4 a.m. I always have trouble sleeping the night before races. “We’re up at 4:30 on a Saturday morning, and we’re going to go pay to exercise,” he continued as he pulled on his shorts. While early morning starts might not be his thing, John has been training for the VT50 ultramarathon, so a triathlon was not in his training regimen. But, after I signed up for the Sunset Lake Olympic Distance Triathlon, he decided he wanted to do …

Sunset Lake Olympic Triathlon, Bridgeton, NJ

Tomorrow, I will participate in my first Olympic distance triathlon. The Sunset Lake Triathlon, in Bridgeton, NJ (https://www.lin-mark.us/page.asp?prmName=EventDetail&prmEventID=139), which includes a .9 mile swim, a 25 mile bike, and a 6.2 mile run. This triathlon will be my longest to date, and I’m looking forward to it as a key element in my training for the “A” triathlon race: the Bassman Half Ironman (October 4). Strangely, I’m not nervous–especially not when compared to my first triathlon, which was the Hammonton (NJ) tri (http://www.dqtridu.com/ham.htm), held on May 23, 2009. I had a complete panic attack during the teeny-weeny 1/4 mile swim. …