My bucket list isn’t getting any shorter…

Despite the fact that I have been systematically checking things off my bucket list (marathon, ultra, Ironman, and so on), it continues to grow. The newest addition? Thru-hike the Appalachian Trail. The latest desire is a result of a training run that John and I took last weekend along 20 miles of the Appalachian Trail. Apparently, the bucket list is a little bit like knowledge: the more you know, the more you realize you want to know. The more we do, the more we realize we want to do. We had traveled to Vermont seeking a training weekend in preparation …

My secret trail

I cross the street, tuck into a partially hidden trail that snakes behind the neighborhood houses, and vanish from the asphalt running world. Fallen tree branches criss-cross the first few meters of this particular trail, which starts just a few tenths of a mile down the street from my house. I hop-skip over some of the limbs, while others require more careful navigation. The branches snap under my feet. Sometimes, when I land in just the right way, they ricochet upwards, and smack my legs. I relish the feeling. My legs are alive, moving, feeling part of the natural world. …

Ironman Lake Placid: Running to the Finish

The run course begins along Main Street, among thousands of people, cheering, ringing cow bells, shouting words of encouragement, and drinking lots of beer, which I could smell on the breath of some of the spectators. That is how close they get to you on the run course. A group of spectators held up a sign that read, “Free Beer!” I wonder if anyone took them up on that. One woman commented to me, “You are looking strong! Have some beer!” I replied, laughing, “Not sure I’ll keep looking strong if I drink that!” During the first three miles, I …

I’m injured, but I’m not out

I have a case of what appears to be hamstring tendonitis in my right leg. At first, the injury led me to drop running from my training, and replace it with aqua jogging, while continuing my training with swimming and biking. However, at the end of last week, it became painfully (literally) clear to me that I would have to also drop the bike and aqua jogging. My coach took it a step further and said: no kicking while swimming. My first response: SERIOUSLY? I found it impossible to be optimistic and find the silver lining at first. This news …

“Nothing is good or bad, but thinking makes it so” – or how I came to love my heart rate

Yes, it’s Shakespeare again. This time, the Prince of Denmark himself – Hamlet – offers wise words to keep my experiences (in training and life) in perspective. This quote reminds me that our thinking plays an integral role in how we perceive our abilities, our training, and our potential. Think negative thoughts, increase the likelihood of negative outcomes. Think positive thoughts, increase the likelihood of positive outcomes. Sounds easy enough. So, why am I so mean to myself? I know better: I’ve read plenty of articles that talk about the power of positive thinking. I know that our brains are …

What Shakespeare has to say about Twitter, training & racing

I love Twitter. Some, like my husband, might even say I have a Twitter “problem.”  I don’t think it’s a problem, really. I just don’t want to spend a day without being able to check my Twitter feed – even if it’s only a quick skim. I look forward to reading the ideas, the information and the experiences shared by my fellow tweeps. How is it that I get so much from a seemingly disjointed collection of 140-character musings? In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Lord Polonius (in a rather funny and ironic twist in the dialogue) says to the King and Queen, …

PHUNT 50k Race Report

I woke up this morning, put my feet on the floor, and struggled to stand up. Ah, yes, I did run that 50k yesterday. Now I remember. My quads are almost useless, as I have to use my arms to pull myself up and help myself down. My right leg wants to know exactly what I did yesterday because the ITB is tight, my shin is on fire, and my cranky tendon is, well, cranky again. But, I crossed the finish line in yesterday’s PHUNT 50k in a just a breath under 6 hours (5:59:32 to be precise). Was it …

From 2009 into 2010: Places, races & goals

In terms of my athletic goals and experiences, 2009 has been an excellent year. (It’s been a great year for other reasons as well, just not necessarily central to this blog :)). I have met some of the coolest runners and triathletes,  some of which I have been fortunate to develop relationships with, others who passed through my life for a day, as I did through theirs. So many smiles, so many words of encouragement. Peace, love and light to all of you in 2010! I’ve enjoyed interacting with all of you here on my blog, on twitter, at races …

5 days to my first ultra: The PHUNT 50k

In five days, I will run my first ultra marathon. I’m feeling a little apprehensive about it because I’ve been on a self-directed mission of nutrition sabotage since my birthday. Cookies. Rich meals with lots of fat and bad carbs. Wine. Lots of wine. Sadly, I’ve been feeling it lately in my runs and workouts. I’m hoping that I can reverse course over the next 5 days and get myself back on nutrition track. (So far this morning, I’ve been successful. I’ve thrown out the leftover Christmas cookies, and ate a hearty bowl of oatmeal.) Other than my nutrition derailing …

Hill Training in Flat Jersey

Southern New Jersey is not known for its mountainous (or even hilly) landscape. Nope. The beach is probably Southern NJ’s better-known calling card. In fact, the beach, the ocean and the bay are what has kept John and I so tied to this area, despite some of its flaws. Lake Placid Ironman – Run Course Elevation Profile While I love the ocean, it has one obvious flaw for hill training: it’s at sea level. Without the benefit of a mountain range nearby, the flat location leaves us with an obvious dilemma for hill training. The trouble is, my husband and …