Power Meters: Nice to have or necessary?

The CompuTrainer comes with a PIG (performance improvement guarantee) plan that suggests effort levels based on the results of the FT test, which I took last week. With results in hand, I set to the task of recalibrating my cycling efforts. I had a tempo ride scheduled for Wednesday, and to gauge my effort, I followed the PIG guidelines for a tempo ride, which recommend holding 85% of FT power for 45 minutes. For me, this translated into 187 watts for the main set of the workout. Okay, let’s do this, I thought. I did my warm-up and got into …

Welcome to full scale geekdom

It was Friday, and I awoke like a kid on Christmas morning – or like a triathlete about to receive her first CompuTrainer. You know, same thing… Having checked the UPS tracking information, I knew it “out for delivery,” which caused me to keep checking the front door to see if it had arrived. (Hmmm, obsess much?) Around 3 p.m., I heard a rustling on the front porch. It was Jolly Ol’ Saint UPS delivery driver. I walked to the door, and what to my wondering eyes did appear: the CompuTrainer. “It’s here! It’s here!” This exclamation was complimented by …

A return to the roads

While I will run in almost any weather, I will not cycle in cold temperatures. It’s just too, well, cold! That means I have been cycling on my trainer 4 days a week since the beginning of November. Today, however, the thermometer read 45 degrees at 8:30 a.m. That is warm enough. I was excited and apprehensive to return to the road. Excited because I’ve been working my arse off on the trainer for over 3 months – hill simulation, interval rides, tempo rides, long rides, high cadence rides, rides I don’t even know what to call them rides. I …

I’m a desperate masochist

The sounds of the Rocky theme filled the air. My phone was ringing. I took a quick glance at the number. Hmmm. I don’t recognize that one. Usually, when I don’t recognize a number, I let it go to voicemail. But, this time, for some reason, I hit the answer button. “Hello?” I asked, more than said. A cheery voice sang wonderful words to me: “Hi, Maria! This is Sherri from CompuTrainer.” CompuTrainer?! Did she say CompuTrainer? About two weeks ago, I had submitted an entry for a contest that CompuTrainer was running to find their 2011 “Desperate Athlete.” The …

Riding to nowhere: Making the most of the bike trainer

After several weeks of the weather forcing us to ride our bike trainers instead of the road, I was less than enthusiastic to do my 2.5 hour bike ride last Saturday morning. Then, I had an idea: What’s my first important triathlon of the season? Rev3Tri’s Quassy in Middlebury, CT. We had heard the bike course was grueling. So I thought, Hmmm, I’ll create a trainer workout that simulates the Quassy course. Now, without a computrainer (the $1,700 price tag is prohibitive for us right now), this simulation is not an exact science. But, with a little bit of time …

Ironman Lake Placid 2010: The Bike & T2

Once clipped in, I had no choice but to go down… …the hill, that is. As you come out of the transition area on the bike, there is a sharp almost 180-degree turn that takes you down a hill. After that, you head down a sharp but short descent on a street that is in motion, with hundreds and hundreds of people, screaming their heads off. I tried my best to enjoy this part, but I was nervous. It was raining, I was surrounded by hundreds of other athletes, and it all seemed just a bit chaotic. As with the …