“Nothing is good or bad, but thinking makes it so” – or how I came to love my heart rate

Yes, it’s Shakespeare again. This time, the Prince of Denmark himself – Hamlet – offers wise words to keep my experiences (in training and life) in perspective. This quote reminds me that our thinking plays an integral role in how we perceive our abilities, our training, and our potential. Think negative thoughts, increase the likelihood of negative outcomes. Think positive thoughts, increase the likelihood of positive outcomes. Sounds easy enough. So, why am I so mean to myself? I know better: I’ve read plenty of articles that talk about the power of positive thinking. I know that our brains are …

PHUNT 50k Race Report

I woke up this morning, put my feet on the floor, and struggled to stand up. Ah, yes, I did run that 50k yesterday. Now I remember. My quads are almost useless, as I have to use my arms to pull myself up and help myself down. My right leg wants to know exactly what I did yesterday because the ITB is tight, my shin is on fire, and my cranky tendon is, well, cranky again. But, I crossed the finish line in yesterday’s PHUNT 50k in a just a breath under 6 hours (5:59:32 to be precise). Was it …

From 2009 into 2010: Places, races & goals

In terms of my athletic goals and experiences, 2009 has been an excellent year. (It’s been a great year for other reasons as well, just not necessarily central to this blog :)). I have met some of the coolest runners and triathletes,  some of which I have been fortunate to develop relationships with, others who passed through my life for a day, as I did through theirs. So many smiles, so many words of encouragement. Peace, love and light to all of you in 2010! I’ve enjoyed interacting with all of you here on my blog, on twitter, at races …

TrekWomen Triathlon Series, Mount Snow: Event Summary

 The TrekWomen Triathlon was held at Mount Snow on August 9, 2009. It was a sprint tri, with a 1/4 mile swim, 12 mile bike, and 2.1 mile semi-trail run. A portion of the proceeds benefitted breast cancer research and Team Survivor. There were a total of 185 finishers, who included cancer survivors and first timers who have overcome great obstacles to get to the finish line.One woman had undergone a heart transplant and was participating in her first triathlon. Wow! If you were looking for inspiration, this race was a great place to find it. I was teary eyed in …

Sunset Lake Olympic Triathlon, Bridgeton, NJ

Tomorrow, I will participate in my first Olympic distance triathlon. The Sunset Lake Triathlon, in Bridgeton, NJ (https://www.lin-mark.us/page.asp?prmName=EventDetail&prmEventID=139), which includes a .9 mile swim, a 25 mile bike, and a 6.2 mile run. This triathlon will be my longest to date, and I’m looking forward to it as a key element in my training for the “A” triathlon race: the Bassman Half Ironman (October 4). Strangely, I’m not nervous–especially not when compared to my first triathlon, which was the Hammonton (NJ) tri (http://www.dqtridu.com/ham.htm), held on May 23, 2009. I had a complete panic attack during the teeny-weeny 1/4 mile swim. …