Enjoy what the body can do

I read a profound statement in my friend Lorin’s blog the other day (VeganAsana: Adventures in Veganism and Yoga): “Wouldn’t it be great to always be in that place – to just live in the body and enjoy what it can do and be instead of critiquing what it is not?” I’ve been touched by the line since I read it, and have thought much about it. It’s reminded me about my long history of trouble with body image–and the lessons I have learned about my body from exercise and endurance training. I have had body issues of varying sorts since I was a young …

“This is stupid,”

John, my husband, said after he shut off the alarm at 4:30 a.m. I laughed. I had already been up since 4 a.m. I always have trouble sleeping the night before races. “We’re up at 4:30 on a Saturday morning, and we’re going to go pay to exercise,” he continued as he pulled on his shorts. While early morning starts might not be his thing, John has been training for the VT50 ultramarathon, so a triathlon was not in his training regimen. But, after I signed up for the Sunset Lake Olympic Distance Triathlon, he decided he wanted to do …