Oh, baby, I got the post Ironman blues

There I was, in the middle of my run, just bee-bopping along and the thought occurred to me: triathlon season was coming to an end for me. The best season of my triathlon career. Over. And, then it hit me. The “it” being the post Ironman blues, or in my case, the post-best-triathlon-season-ever blues. Since then, I’ve been feeling a little sad, agitated, bored, unmotivated, and annoyed. All at once. Being the curious sort that I am, I wondered if there was an explanation for the post Ironman blues. I’ve had this feeling after almost every Ironman or “big” race I’ve …

Regular life

After months and months of preparation for my first Ironman in Lake Placid, it seems that I failed to prepare for one thing: the post-Ironman blues. I had read about feeling depressed or sad after completing endurance events, such as an Ironman, but I was in denial that such a state of mind would creep into my consciousness. Pre-race, I thought: Depressed?! Are you kidding? I’ll be so pumped to have my “regular” life back. Guess what? Turns out that “regular life” has changed, and I am sad, irritable, edgy, unfocused, and  listless. I find myself recalling fondly, nostalgically even, …